i4D’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning practices cut across all our areas of service and sector expertise. Our work in this area serves to strengthen support planning and management and contribute to improved MEAL systems which enables evidence-based learning to be utilised effectively.
i4D has developed a strong reputation in both monitoring and evaluation which is built on a strong international track record, uncompromising independence and transparency. Using innovative and participatory methods aligned with global standards, i4D team members have carried out numerous project and programme evaluations as well as institutional and organizational assessments. We have also monitored projects and programs of various sizes within and across countries and regions.
Our evaluation experience ranges from country-specific projects to multi-regional sector programs, global knowledge and advocacy platforms, and capacity building initiatives. Whatever the scale or context, i4D meets client needs through comprehensive data collection, rigorous analysis, and practical recommendations.
Previous projects:
- SEED Foundation, Kurdistan– MEAL assessment, Policy & Tools development & Training.
- United States Institute for Peace (USIP), Pakistan – MEAL assessment, Tools Development, Systems strengthening, Data Management and Visualisation and Technical Advisory Support.
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – Coordinating role for the translation of the OECD DAC Criteria for Evaluation in Urdu language for national evaluators.
- European Commission, Directorate General of International Partnerships – Technical advisory support on evaluation design, conduct and use.
- Kindernothilfe, Pakistan – Communicating organisational impact, strategy development and M&E tools development.
- YCare International – Research activities and presentation of findings at a global event.
- Oxfam GB – Communications of Annual Impact Evaluation reports.